Friday, March 12, 2010

This is a gathering of unschoolers, where we can laugh and play and have long discussions and take hikes and hang out in the beautiful city of Montreal! This is not a conference. There will not be speakers. There will, however, be as many planned activities as the attendees want to organize, which can be anything from round table discussions, to crafts, games, and potluck dinners.  The last two years were wonderful, and we're looking forward to a just as great time this year!

Date: June 30th to July 6th, 2012

Place: Parc National D'Oka, Oka, Quebec, 2020 chemin d'Oka, where SMUG was held back in 2010!

To answer a couple of questions I've been asked: This is a gathering for both families, AND individual teens/young adults/people who want to attend. So yes, it's an all ages gathering. Also, this is an event with a focus on bringing people from farther away here to visit, BUT it is also an event for local unschoolers!! If you live nearby, you're welcome to join us, even if you're not camping/lodging there. :-)

To keep up to date on what's happening, and meet others who are going to the second annual Summer Montreal Unschoolers Gathering, join the SMUG Yahoo! group!  SMUG also has an event page on Facebook.

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